Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Driving Into a Wall

I remember when they first started putting airbags into cars.  I watched a commercial where a car was driven straight into a brick wall at a speed of 55 mph.  After the crash, the driver (a stuntman) opened the car door and walked away. 

            Afterwards the driver was asked in an interview if he was worried about driving into the wall.  He said the engineers personally guaranteed him the airbags would work.   He obviously trusted them or he wouldn’t have done it. I don’t remember which car company the engineers worked for, but I’m amazed at the fact that the stuntman had enough faith to drive into a brick wall just based on their word.  This brings me to a simple question.  Do you have the faith of that stuntman?

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

            No, I don’t have the faith of the stuntman.  If I had been him, I would have said, “No way!” or “Are you nuts?” You see my faith isn’t in man or his promises, but in my Savior.  A Savior who has never broken a promise, who knows all, and who died to give me eternal life.  Where does your faith lie?

1 comment:

  1. Neat thought! You always have the most interesting and insightful perspective.
